You’re about to bear witness to the skill and technique of the present day Hashassins and their art of killing. Sit back and prepare yourself. – Hashassins / Misled Media / Doug Urquhart.
Hashassins (2004) - Playlist & Soundtrack.
Sections - PLAY: Intro | Michael Gumby Braud | Will Gordon | Montage | Richie Eisler | Montage 2 | Malik Kamara | ATL Waterpark Tour | Tim Schmidt | Montage 3 | Walt Austin | Montage 4 | Julian Bah | Credits + Bonus Guest Edits: James Reetzke | Chris Majette | Kenny Owens + More Goodies: Hashassins Ad | Original Teaser | Superhick Teaser | Rewind.

Remastered Sections - PLAY: Michael Gumby Braud | Will Gordon | Richie Eisler.