PLAY: Full Movie | Leftovers + Teaser.
Plastic Pushers - Volume I: The new dutch inline skate movie filmed during the dutch (easy) lockdown. Full parts by: Pascal Tan 1:15, Wisse Ankersmit 3:54, Adam Szymanski 9:11, Giorgio Oehlers 12:54, Jeroen Wullems 16:39, Kenny Owens 22:26, Sebastiaan van Wijk 29:39, Vivien Butot & Robin Bosgra 32:33, Sem Croft 38:18 & Randy Abels 42:44. Also featuring: Hans Hardonk, Bas Houweling, Bartozs Beller, Dick Heerkens, Marnix Haak, Chris Nomden and more. Thanks for the vibes!