Displaying posts tagged #Davy Wouda

Mesmer XXX (2023) by Marc Moreno

Mon, Mar 27, 2023
Mesmer XXX (2023) by Marc Moreno

Mesmer presents “XXX”, our most recent trip down the rabbit hole. This was a 3 day trip in Holland with some of the team after Winterclash. We were surprised with sunny weather during what is normally a cold and rainy time of the year, so we took advantage. Enjoy!

Mesmer XXX (2023) by Marc Moreno

Featuring: Gabriel Adriani, Levi van Rijn, Dominic Bruce, John Bolino, Marc Moreno, Billy O’Neill, Sjoerd Peters & Davy Wouda. Filmed by Marc Moreno. Additional cameras: JP Primiano, Cavin Brinkman. Edited by Marc Moreno.

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Plastic Pushers 3.5

Sun, Mar 5, 2023

This ain’t a leftover edit! (PLAY) - With so many skaters in front of my lens, it was hard to choose what tricks to use for the full length. Here are the ones that still deserved to see the light of day. - Cavin Brinkman. Music: Kujo - Waves Of Belonging, Movements - Kept.

Plastic Pushers 3.5

Skaters: Clement Boucau, Lucas Spenle, Erik Droogh, Matthijs van Kleij, Jeroen Wullems, Pail Ruksa, Luca Gobbo, Adriaan Poortmans, Vladimir Kocherga, Lennert Goormans Pascal Tan, Francesco Fama, Davy Wouda, Sem Croft, Sebastiaan van Wijk, Vivien Butot, Wisse Ankersmit, Dominik Wagner, Levi van Rijn, Randy Abels, Cody Lampman, Marnix Haak, Patrick smith, Hadrien Bastouil, Nolan Charbonnier, Stan Kogutyak, Cavin Brinkman, Claudio Bohli, Reto Burgin, Dean Bradley Jeremy Fanfaron, Freddy White, Chris Calkins, Victor Daum, Hayden Ball, Yves Maurer, Chris Farmer, Eugen Enin, Billy Murton, Zachary Pollak, Mozes den Blanken & Jon Fromm.

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Sahnosaurus (Berlin, Germany) - Ludus x Burza Torden Crews (2022)

Tue, Jan 10, 2023
Sahnosaurus (Berlin, Germany) - Ludus x Burza Torden Crews (2022)

5 days in Berlin (Spandau) October 22 with the Ludus & Burza Torden Crews. “Aber mit ohne Sahne*”. Featuring: Levi van Rijn, Sjoerd Peters, Alfons, Moh, Markus, Davy Wouda & Dirk.

Sahnosaurus (Berlin, Germany) - Ludus x Burza Torden Crews (2022)

* Without Cream.

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Plastic Pushers 2 - B-Roll with Derk Alberts, Wiboud de Boorder, Sjoerd Peters & Davy Wouda

Sun, Mar 27, 2022
Plastic Pushers 2 - B-Roll with Derk Alberts, Wiboud de Boorder, Sjoerd Peters & Davy Wouda

Plastic Pushers - Volume II: some bloopers, funny stuff and leftovers from Derk Alberts, Wiboud de Boorder, Sjoerd Peters and Davy Wouda.

Plastic Pushers 2 - B-Roll with Derk Alberts, Wiboud de Boorder, Sjoerd Peters & Davy Wouda
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Tofu Chicken Bowl (2021) - Burza Torden x Ludus Edit by Stephan Mohr

Fri, Sep 3, 2021
Tofu Chicken Bowl (2021) - Burza Torden x Ludus Edit by Stephan Mohr

Tofu Chicken Bowl (2021) visited by Burza Torden & Ludus, 3 Sessions turned out to 3.33 minutes. Vienna, Austria, 2021. Featuring: Levi van Rijn, Davy Wouda, Sjorden Peters, Max Heid, Stephan Mohr, Klaus Rosenauer & Gabriel Hyden.

Tofu Chicken Bowl (2021) - Burza Torden x Ludus Edit by Stephan Mohr

Visit the LUDUS Skaterblade Channel here.

Tofu Chicken Bowl (2021) - Burza Torden x Ludus Edit by Stephan Mohr
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Traum Ecke (Berlin, Germany - 2017) by Wisse Ankersmit, with Levi van Rijn, Davy Wouda, Sjoerd Peters & Thomas Fen

Wed, Dec 6, 2017
Traum Ecke (Berlin, Germany - 2017) by Wisse Ankersmit, with Levi van Rijn, Davy Wouda, Sjoerd Peters & Thomas Fen

I spent 3 months in Berlin last summer. The bliksem boys visited me for a few days and we did some rollschuhlaufen! - Wisse Ankersmit. Featuring Wisse Ankersmit, Levi van Rijn, Davy Wouda, Sjoerd Peters & Thomas Fen.

Traum Ecke (Berlin, Germany - 2017) by Wisse Ankersmit, with Levi van Rijn, Davy Wouda, Sjoerd Peters & Thomas Fen

Music: Nena - 99 Luftballons.

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P A T S P A N G - From the Barrel. (2017)

Mon, Nov 20, 2017
P A T S P A N G - From the Barrel. (2017)

Featuring Dick Heerkens, Randy Abels, Martin Danning, Davy Wouda, Levi van Rijn, Remco van der Pol & Pascal Tan.

P A T S P A N G - From the Barrel. (2017)

Music: Yung Internet - Free Wifi, Thundercat - Uh Uh, JonWayne - 1 for kutmah, Trust - Bulbform.

P A T S P A N G - From the Barrel. (2017)
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patspang - Allen (2017)

Tue, Jul 18, 2017
patspang - Allen (2017)

The patspang posse hooked up with their friends. In order of appearance: Kenny Owens, Randy Abels, Davy Wouda, Remco van der Pol, Dick Heerkens, Remy Cadier, Sven Boekhorst, Eric van Boven, Sjoerd Peters, Vivien Butot & Deveril Abels.

patspang - Allen (2017)
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Bliksem - Volt (2017, Europe) by Davy wouda & Levi van Rijn

Mon, Jun 19, 2017
Bliksem - Volt (2017, Europe) by Davy wouda & Levi van Rijn

Volt a 15 minutes movie by Davy wouda and Levi van Rijn. It shows the one year adventure of the boys skating the cities of North West Europe. Full profiles of: Sjoerd Peters, Levi van Rijn and Davy Wouda. Featuring: Thomas Fens, Randy Abels, Wouter Schokkin, Michael de Hoop, Kenneth Owens, Remco van der Pol and Joep van den Beuken. Check it out!

Bliksem - Volt (2017, Europe) by Davy wouda & Levi van Rijn

Thanks to: Cavin B for helping us capturing some clips. Mark Peters for letting us drive the car that brought us to alot of places. Sjoerd for driving us around. All the beers that cooled our muscles after the gnarly shreddings. Marktplaats for the crispy VX deals. And al the guys who helped making this project fun! Soundtrack: The Radiacs - She’s my witch, MC5 - American ruse, Jefferson Airplane - It’s no secret, The psychedelic furs - Goodbye, The Screamers - Peer pressure, The Moody Blues - Go now.

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Patspang Crew - 2017 Edit by Randy Abels

Wed, Apr 26, 2017

Although climate change hits all of us, we are still forced to skate indoors during wintertime over here in the Netherlands. Normally we would hit the skateparks like we did years in a row. Last winter we decided to hit a parking garage like back in the day.

Patspang Crew - 2017 Edit by Randy Abels

After getting kicked out at the first parking garage we wanted to skate, we skated about 20 spots with our buddies. Getting kicked out from a garage didn’t happen that often, maybe 3 or 4 times in total. We mostly skated after 8 pm till midnight, after a nice day of work and a quick bite to eat off we went. Randomly visit parking garages in cities like: Amsterdam, Den Haag, Leiden, Amersfoort, ‘s-Hertogenbosch, Utrecht and our favourite P-city Haarlem. In total we’ve spend € 81,60 ($88) on parking tickets, to get about 14 minutes of footage.

Patspang Crew - 2017 Edit by Randy Abels

Bladers: Randy Abels, Remco van der Pol, Dick Heerkens, Alexander Linde, Remy Cadier, Deveril Abels, Sven Boekhorst, Levi van Rijn, Davy Wouda, Sjoerd Peters, Wisse Ankersmit, Vivien Butot, Sem Croft, Cavin Brinkman, Robin Bosgra, Wouter Schokking & Eric van Boven.

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Click-n-Roll Click-n-Roll

Rollerblading Gems

Dynovfr4k - A Full Length Street Video (2022-2025) with Steve Iacono, Nick Dadchuk & Friends

Mesmer Warszawa - Julia Komenda, Gabriel Adriani, Marc Moreno, Seba Dzbik & Piotrek Gbyl

OWC presents 'Orange: Diomar Velasquez and Martin Danning' - A video by Immony Men

Chad Tannehill - Right Now - An Intuition Video by Bryant Kornbau

Cranks Warsaw - Not a Banger (2024) + Daniel Jurzyna, Mini Secret Part


Jens Küfner (Germany) - Fancy Maneuvers (2024)

Julien Cudot - Foot Moon (Main street section)

Sacha Miguel López - Cesslife Vol. 2 (2024)

La Rue - Poésie (France) by Stan Kogutyak

Brian Aragon (Denver, CO) - Bridges, by Brian Freeman - S1EP2 - Documentary

Julien Cudot / Diego Guilloud - (C)hômage

OG (more)

Franky Morales (Miami, Florida) - Bridges, by Brian Freeman - S1EP1 - Documentary

Mike French - Back Like I Never Left

Vince Camarillo Section - Bay Area - JSF Edit


Big Wheels (more)

Tallboyz - OPS2 - Big Wheel Blading Edit

Leon Basin and Stuart Brattey - Wizard Base and Wizard Base High

Astral Blade x FTS (2022) with Pat Ridder, Sandro Gruenheid, Dominik Stransky & Friends - Big Wheels

Skaters: | Joe Atkinson | Brian Aragon | Chihiro Azuma | Carlos Bernal | Beat Schillmeier | Sam Crofts | John Bolino | Alex Broskow | Julien Cudot | Warren Digne | Richie Eisler | Eugen Enin | Chris Farmer | Demetrios George | Mathieu Heinemann | Nils Jansons | Montre Livingston | Nick Lomax | Franky Morales | Mery Muñoz | Mathias Silhan | Brian Shima | Soichiro Kanashima | Chynna Weierstall | Takeshi Yasutoko

Skate Brands: Adapt | Deshi | Faction | Gawds | Iqon | Nimh | Razors | Roces | Seba | SSM | Them | Trigger | USD |