Produced by Dan Knapmiller. Released in 2007. Featuring Brett Hammond, Brett Dasovic, Mike Garlinghouse, Ryan Googins & lots of guests!
Sections - PLAY:
Intro |
Brett Hammond |
Jayz Montage |
Brett Dasovic |
Will Smith Montage |
Mike Garlinghouse |
Mika Montage |
Ryan Googins |
Credits Montage.
Sections - PLAY:
Full Video split in 3 parts - PLAY:
- Part 01 (Intro, Simiyu, Dasovic, Farmer)
- Part 02 (Intermission)
- Part 03 (Yee, Hammond, Garlinghouse, Howard, Farmer, Outro)
Credit lists for music and other source material can be found at
Clips featured in the USD Team Edit 2017 in their entirety. - Chris Farmer.
Filmed by Mike Lufholm & Dan Knapmiller (June 2017).
Photo: Jonathan Labez (Los Angeles,