Wizard and Express present Permafried. Featuring: Benjamin Nenno, TJ Edwards, Danny Beer, AJ DeLong, Stuart Brattey & Leon Basin. Directed by Danny Beer.
The VOD is available here for $20 + taxes (around $23 in total).
Wizard and Express present Permafried. Featuring: Benjamin Nenno, TJ Edwards, Danny Beer, AJ DeLong, Stuart Brattey & Leon Basin. Directed by Danny Beer.
The VOD is available here for $20 + taxes (around $23 in total).
Wizard presents RE•EMBARK. The sequel to DISEMBARK. Featuring: Leon Basin, Mike Torres, AJ DeLong, and Stuart Brattey. Directed by Mike Torres. Filmed in the summer of 2022. Full video available for purchase on Wizardskating.com.
Previously: DISEMBARK - Full Video (2019, 11min) - PLAY.
Spellcaster (Soundcloud) is a series of discussions with innovative rollerbladers, exploring blade tech, mods and the characters involved. Tom Mosher (Toronto, Canada) released the episode #3 of his podcast featuring Leon Basin, the owner of Task Shop & creator of the Wizard Frames.
Episode 3 with Leon Basin - Leon gives his candid opinion on various rocker options, his Wizard frames, three wheel skates, Aeons, Xsjado, Seba, Inline vs Rollerblading, Shop Task, skiing, Warlock prototype, Crashed Ice tricks, Sam Crofts, Anthony Pottier, AJ Delong, the history of Big Wheel skating among many other things!
More Episodes on Soundcloud.com/spellcasterrollerblading.