Razors team video directed by Adam Johnson. Featuring team members and skaters such as: Brian Aragon, Mike Murda Johnson, Don Bambrick, Eric Perkett, Stefan Horngacher, Dre Powell, Brian Shima, Dustin Halleran, Michael Collins, Jeremy Spira, John Bolino and more.
Don’s intro muted for claim. You can check the Soundtrack Listing here.
We were able to film with Tien Nguyen in Australia for 3 weeks in March of 2018 and with the help of his friends across the World we bring you the culmination of his work from 2018 - 2022… in 2024. Five years of skating, editing, and procrastinating from opposite sides of the World. We hope you choose to support your favorite skaters, support the projects we release, and keep videos like this coming out on the regular. We hope you enjoy watching as much as we enjoyed making this. - Adam Johnson.
V-02HD - Dead x bacemint. Featuring: Colin Kelso, Alex Broskow, Sean Kelso. Filmed by: Adam Johnson and Shawn Engler. Edited by: Adam Johnson and Shawn Engler. Visual FX by: Shawn Engler. Logo Design by: Nicholas Stahl.
Made possible by Jeromy Morris, Jeremy Rockwell, Wayne Propst, Bruce Matler, Nick Stahl, Joseph Shull, Joel Bonner, Pennie Liu, and Pat Doherty. Visit Bladingisdead.com.
The legendary Playground Rail in Philadelphia. Credits - Denial/ Genre: Chris Majette, Mike Rios, Videogroove: Dave Paine, b-unique: Brown Brothers, Vibralux: Adam Johnson, The Truth video series: Austin Paz & Sean Kelso.
A compilation by Scoreback (Youtube Channel).
Flashback: 2004 - Chris Haffey Profile from KFC 3: Straightjackit by Adam Johnson and KFC Productions. KFC 3 features Alex Broskow, Chris Farmer, Chris Haffey, Brian Aragon, Brenton Wheeler, Joseph Shull, Todd Blubaugh, Steve Jones, Brandon Mateer, and more.
KFC 3 Straightjackit - PLAY:
Intro |
Brian Aragon |
Montage One |
Kansas Fucking City |
Metallica Montage |
Chris Haffey |
Chris Farmer |
Vibralux Denim
- More Sections SOON.
Flashback: Alex Broskow travelled to New York City, Detroit, Atlanta, Seattle, Portland, Los Angeles, Albuquerque, Phoenix, Dallas and Kansas City to bring you his Champagne part.
Alex Broskow - Champagne Section
Filmed and edited by David Sizemore and Adam Johnson. Design by Nicholas Stahl. Photography by Shawn Engler.
April 2016 - may 2017.
Filmed by David Sizemore and Adam Johnson. Edited by David Sizemore. Design by Quiet Vessel. Produced by Vibralux Media. Visit Bladingisdead.com.
We were able to film with John Bolino in Los Angeles, Kansas City, and Lawrence to bring you this full profile with some of his best skating to date. – Adam Johnson.
Alex Broskow and Adam Johnson went to Barcelona not knowing they would be leaving having filmed Alex’s last footage in Valo skates. Vibralux Denim is proud to present the eighth installment of our stand-alone VOD series, Adiós. Rip Valo.
VOD on Sellfy ($5+).